Review of the "Arvutimängude areng ja mõju" group work.
This review is written for the group work "Arvutimängude areng ja mõju", which was written in a Wiki-article format for the ITSPEA course.
After reading this work, I would like to express that work left more positive emotions, but as nothing is ideal, there are some drawbacks that could be improved.
Topic selection
In my opinion, topic is chosen correctly, since this theme is quite relevant nowadays. With quick growth of personal computers and video games, frequent prejudices have appeared that playing this type of games makes children aggressive and injured, and so on.
Topic became even more actual since the global isolation started. For staying safe, plenty of people prefer spending their free time with video games, so that there would be no need to go outside for having more familiar types of entertainment.
Therefore, this group work can be useful in educating unexperienced people, letting them find out the history of video games and its influence.
Work's content
In terms of the content of the work, it seems to be done at a decent level, a lot of information was represented, and I very appreciated presence of visualized examples when information about consoles generations was spoken.
My special sympathy to this work was given for authors mention of virtual reality and cybersport.
The first part of this work goes through the detailed history of video games and game consoles between the middle of previous century and until our days. In the end of this part, authors provide us with wrong (old) information about 9th generation of game consoles, talking that only PlayStation 5 appeared and generally not giving us many information about last generation, but considering possible date of writing this work (perhaps it was before PS5 and Xbox Series releases), it may be forgiven.
The second part provides us with huge amount of information considering video games influence on human. Authors described influence on different layers of society, told about possible damage from computer over usage and how to avoid that and stay protected.
Formalization and structure.
The structure of group work is logical and divided into small blocks, as most of Wikipedia articles. Therefore, not much can be said about structure, but I would like to express my wish on more frequent paragraphing and adding topic-related pictures into the second part, since reading through this "wall of text" makes feeling uncomfortable when getting acquaintance with the content.
The list of sources is large enought for this work and shows us efforts made by authors to provide us with quality and relevant information. However, it would be better if authors would provide us with concrete dates when they achieved concrete used literature.
Despite work could look better and provide us with more relevant information about current game consoles generation, it is still pleasant enough to read and I found this work useful for me.
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